Sticker Shock at the Grocery Store

Hey Everyone!

I went grocery shopping at the store I transferred from about two months ago. I haven’t done much grocery shopping at work in the past two months as I have the time and energy to go elsewhere, where prices are a bit cheaper. I know the company I work for is way over priced. It’s nice on an occasion to get local meat and seafood where I work, but otherwise it’s really not worth it. Sticker shock really hit me today when I was there.

This is all I bought today. Granted there are some supplements and I also bought some scallops. I spent, with my discount – $107.18. Without my discount it would have been $153.10. As I am trying to live more frugally and simply, grocery shopping at work will mean buying less on a visit and shopping there way less frequently. Even Fred Meyer and Safeway that are a bit more expensive than say Winco, and some other places out there are still more reasonably priced than where I work. Where I work is up there more along the lines of Market of Choice, Zupans, and Whole Foods.

I honestly don’t know how people can go and do full on weekly grocery shops at where I work on a regular basis. Having that kind of disposable income must be nice, especially when many employees of the store are barely making ends meet, if at all. Many of my coworkers, I know are struggling to try to make ends meet. Blue slip items (damaged packaging but still good, about to expire or just past expired but still good, etc) are life savers.

I am still learning how to budget and be better at couponing and saving money at the grocery store. it’s hard with food intolerances and the food I can eat is more expensive to begin with and isn’t on sale as often.

The Lifestyle I feel called to lead is that of a simpler life, where I make more at home, and I am at home more. I know it doesn’t make as much sense and seems counter culture to what we know today. That being said being at home, and being more traditional is on my heart. Doing more homemaking, knitting and such has been on my heart to do for years. I am also one of those people who learns things the hard way.

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