Sticker Shock at the Grocery Store

Hey Everyone!

I went grocery shopping at the store I transferred from about two months ago. I haven’t done much grocery shopping at work in the past two months as I have the time and energy to go elsewhere, where prices are a bit cheaper. I know the company I work for is way over priced. It’s nice on an occasion to get local meat and seafood where I work, but otherwise it’s really not worth it. Sticker shock really hit me today when I was there.

This is all I bought today. Granted there are some supplements and I also bought some scallops. I spent, with my discount – $107.18. Without my discount it would have been $153.10. As I am trying to live more frugally and simply, grocery shopping at work will mean buying less on a visit and shopping there way less frequently. Even Fred Meyer and Safeway that are a bit more expensive than say Winco, and some other places out there are still more reasonably priced than where I work. Where I work is up there more along the lines of Market of Choice, Zupans, and Whole Foods.

I honestly don’t know how people can go and do full on weekly grocery shops at where I work on a regular basis. Having that kind of disposable income must be nice, especially when many employees of the store are barely making ends meet, if at all. Many of my coworkers, I know are struggling to try to make ends meet. Blue slip items (damaged packaging but still good, about to expire or just past expired but still good, etc) are life savers.

I am still learning how to budget and be better at couponing and saving money at the grocery store. it’s hard with food intolerances and the food I can eat is more expensive to begin with and isn’t on sale as often.

The Lifestyle I feel called to lead is that of a simpler life, where I make more at home, and I am at home more. I know it doesn’t make as much sense and seems counter culture to what we know today. That being said being at home, and being more traditional is on my heart. Doing more homemaking, knitting and such has been on my heart to do for years. I am also one of those people who learns things the hard way.

Sorry for Disappearing

Hey Everyone!

I don’t think I have talked about here on this blog, because this blog has been on the back burner for the past couple of years, but I have been dealing with an autoimmune disease for the past few years. This past year has really been the year that it has been discovered. While I still don’t have definitive answers and I’m still in the “undifferentiated connective tissue disease” stage because there are markers for more than one autoimmune disease but not enough for one or the other really to get a clear diagnosis, I have been able to start a course of treatment and it is helping. For the past two plus years, having the energy to do more than survive hasn’t been there. I have finally started having a bit more energy the past month or so and have started doing things again. I also changed positions at work. Working freight is physically demanding, but where I am at is at least only 8 hour shifts starting late afternoon and going into the wee small hours of the night, so I am still going to bed at night and just sleeping in until late morning. That is at least a slight improvement over Price File where I would have to be at work anywhere between 5 and 7 am. My days off have also changed. So, even though it’s hard work and I am exhausted and more than past my limit by my weekend, when I am on my weekend, I am at least more functional than I have been for the past couple of years. I also have time during the day between when I get up and have to go to work to knit a bit and drink tea which helps me get going during the day and ready for work.

All that out of the way, I am not grocery shopping so much at work anymore. Even with my 30% discount, where I work is still more expensive than your average overpriced grocery store (Safeway, Alberson’s, Fred Meyer / Kroger), so going grocery shopping at Fred Meyer and Safeway feels like a bargain.

My schedule was weird this past week, so I am off today, which I am normally not. I went grocery shopping today to prepare for my work week. I went to Fred Meyer.

In total at Fred Meyer, I spent $150.39. Had I not picked up more of my favorite shampoo, conditioner and dry shampoo, I would have been closer to $100

After I got home, I made myself a pastrami on rye sandwich with mayonnaise, deli mustard and the kind of cheese I can eat. It was very good.

Now that I have come out of being in strictly survival mode a little bit, the desire to be more of a homemaker and live in the country or a small town anyway with enough property to at least have a garden is returning. When all I was able to do was eat, sleep, work and go to the doctor, it was hard and there were no dreams there, and even the desire to cook and bake were gone. Now, I am more like “oooooooh, I want to make this that and the other thing”. Now that I want to make more things, I will be posting and sharing more things again.

Fajitas, Icy Weather, Taking Care of Family

Hey Everyone!

Well, we have had our week of winter weather here in the northern Willamette Valley, freezing rain and all.

I was off work for a couple of days and went back yesterday. I was able to make it safely out of my neighborhood yesterday morning. By the time I left work today, the roads were pretty much fine. Some parking lots and sidewalks were still a bit sketchy, though.

I had spent some time shoveling the driveway Wednesday afternoon so I could get out yesterday morning. Even that little bit of work made me reconsider my dream of modern homesteading on several acres. It would be A LOT of work, and I don’t know if I have the energy and stamina for it, and I don’t expect whoever I marry to shoulder that load. I wouldn’t be adverse to urban homesteading where I could have a decent enough size garden in the backyard, and fill in where I couldn’t and didn’t have the space or energy for, with going to farmers markets, going to the farm stands and being more choosy about where I shop and what I buy.

Areas up closer to the Columbia River definitely got hit harder than where I am at and where my job is located. So they are still dealing with icy roads and stuff.

Since I went back to work yesterday and decided to get the chicken fajita meat mix that we carry in the meat department at work for dinner. Of course, I got enough for my parents to have it for dinner as well. I have been picking up groceries for my parents over the past couple of days since I have been able to get out and I work at the aforementioned grocery store. While they aren’t “ancient,” I still want them to be safe and to not have to deal with the ice if they don’t have to.

So far, we have not lost power at the house, which is a blessing in and of itself. There are many in the area who have lost power and haven’t had heat for a few days. We have had heat and been able to keep food cold, cook food in the kitchen, and have means of entertaining ourselves with electronics.

Home Canned Pears

Hey Everyone!

Last week my mom and I canned pears.

We had gone out to Sauvie Island the week before and picked up about 33 pounds of Bartlett pears. We had to let them sit for a week to ripen up.

I had made jam over the summer, though this was the first fruit and bigger project my mom and I undertook in the new house.

We got 17 quarts out of the 33 pounds of pears.

Home canned anything is a lot of work, but 100% worth it. Home canned tastes better and is better quality.

When I do things like Canning, even though it’s tiring, I always feel more productive at the end of the day, than I do going to work.

Black Currant Jam

Hey Everyone!

I have wanted to make Black Currant jam for years. I just never knew where to get them (they aren’t that common here in the states).

I have been working at a more upscale, somewhat alternative, hipster grocery store that carries a fair amount of local products, especially produce, for almost a year now.

This morning I noticed that we had black currants in stock in our produce department. I knew I couldn’t let the opportunity pass me by. So I bought 5 pints as well as a pint of tayberries. Tayberries are a cross between Blackberries and Raspberries. They are pretty bland.

I made two batches of black currant jam, which made 12 half pints and a small cottage cheese container worth of jam.

This was my first time Canning anything completely on my own. Every other time I have canned, it’s always been with my mom. So I have never done it on my own before. So I was a little nervous, but also fairly confident because I have been Canning since I was young.

All in all it went well, and it’s been a long day since I also worked last night.

I will link the recipe I used here.

New Job Finds

Hey Everyone!

I started my new job two weeks ago. I work at a upscale grocery store now.

It is super interesting to see the different products we carry, as well as the variety of dairy free options my store carries.

I have found quite a few interesting things. Which prompted the “what I find at work” series on instagram.

The duck eggs are regularly $10.99 a dozen at my store, so definitely not something I will be purchasing much of in the future, as they are definitely not in the budget at that price. I was able to get them for reasonably cheap since I get a discount at my store and I had a $5.00 off reward coupon. I have heard that they are good in baking though.

The dairy free “cream cheese” has quickly become a favorite of mine with bagels. While I love it, it is rather expensive, even with my discount. Especially with fall and winter coming, I definitely see Scottish Oatmeal with dried fruit and chopped nuts on the breakfast menu going forward.

The dairy free version of the creamsicles, were actually a good price, they were only $2.99 a box. That I could afford for a treat in the heat we are having.

After punching the numbers and creating a budget. i am definitely going to be working towards paying off debt, saving money, trying to live simply, and working towards getting out of the city. Anyone who knows me could tell you I would rather be living simple life, somewhere far far far away from the city on a tight budget than have plenty of money and be living in the city. So for me, trying to get out if debt and not have to be reliant on my family as means of support is a huge thing for me.

Interview Update

Hey Everyone!

I wanted to update you all real quick on my interview today. It went well, my interviewer just wanted to confer with his assistant manager, who was off today. I should hear back on Tuesday.

I interviewed for a freight lead position at a local grocery store, that carries more of the food alternatives, like dairy free and gluten free options as well as local brands and produce.

While it is still retail and freight, I am hoping I get it, and it would be a good fit for my life right now.

My long term goals are to still be a stay at home homeschooling wife and mother and living on a homestead, in this season of my life, I still need to work. If I can get this job, and continue to eat well, I definitely feel like this will help me be in a better place for the life I am working towards.

I am definitely ready to quit the seasonal job I started recently, as I really don’t feel safe working there with what is expected of me, and the toll it is already taking on my body. I am not willing to risk injury to myself or put unnecessary strain on my body just to be chasing after money.

I just wanted to update you all on how my interview went, before I headed put to work.

Eating Local Food

Hey Everyone!

What a tough couple weeks it has been. That being said, starting a new job is always hard. If it becomes clear it is not a good fit, it makes it even harder.

I am trying to keep myself healthy, while I am running myself ragged. I am definitely taking my probiotics every day and some elderberry gummies.

Yesterday, I made Sockeye Salmon, with green beans and corn for dinner and blueberry crumble for dessert. It was so good.

The blueberry crumble recipe from the Salmon Sisters cookbook has definitely become a favorite for my family.

I definitely love food that comes from this part of the country, and definitely want to eat more local food, and reap the benefits from the nutrients in food.

First Strawberries of the Summer

Hey Everyone!

What a week this past week has been.

Yesterday, on my way home from work, I stopped by one of the farm stands I know of and picked up some fresh strawberries.

I love Oregon Strawberries, and I love homemade strawberry jam.

Since I am not in a place to be able to grow my own strawberries, it is totally worth buying local berries from a local farm.

Working 2 jobs is definitely tiring, but I am definitely hoping the end game is worth it, and that things work out at my second job, which is the better paying of the two. I am not about chasing after the money, I am just trying to get some debt paid off and put myself in a better financial position.

I am definitely glad I got at least once batch of Strawberry jam made this year. I am also amazed at how much raspberry jam we have gone through in the past couple years. About 3 summers ago I seriously got at least 8 or 9 batches and several last years, and we have gone through most of it.

Life keeps changing

Hey Everyone!

It’s been a while since my last post.

I have been working on packing up my room at my parents house and moving stuff into my storage unit.

I have also been applying for jobs, as part of Unemployment, since My hours were dramatically cut after the holidays were over. Yesterday was my first interview since I interviewed for my current job over two and a half years ago. I did get the job, so I will be working two jobs for the near future. For my new job, I will be needing to make lunches. I will also be getting more hours and pay at my new job, so I will be able to go do proper grocery shopping for break snacks and lunches. I will definitely be having to budget as well.

While I don’t want to go into too many details about my new job, but I hope it will help me get closer to paying down debt and closer to homesteading.