Sticker Shock at the Grocery Store

Hey Everyone!

I went grocery shopping at the store I transferred from about two months ago. I haven’t done much grocery shopping at work in the past two months as I have the time and energy to go elsewhere, where prices are a bit cheaper. I know the company I work for is way over priced. It’s nice on an occasion to get local meat and seafood where I work, but otherwise it’s really not worth it. Sticker shock really hit me today when I was there.

This is all I bought today. Granted there are some supplements and I also bought some scallops. I spent, with my discount – $107.18. Without my discount it would have been $153.10. As I am trying to live more frugally and simply, grocery shopping at work will mean buying less on a visit and shopping there way less frequently. Even Fred Meyer and Safeway that are a bit more expensive than say Winco, and some other places out there are still more reasonably priced than where I work. Where I work is up there more along the lines of Market of Choice, Zupans, and Whole Foods.

I honestly don’t know how people can go and do full on weekly grocery shops at where I work on a regular basis. Having that kind of disposable income must be nice, especially when many employees of the store are barely making ends meet, if at all. Many of my coworkers, I know are struggling to try to make ends meet. Blue slip items (damaged packaging but still good, about to expire or just past expired but still good, etc) are life savers.

I am still learning how to budget and be better at couponing and saving money at the grocery store. it’s hard with food intolerances and the food I can eat is more expensive to begin with and isn’t on sale as often.

The Lifestyle I feel called to lead is that of a simpler life, where I make more at home, and I am at home more. I know it doesn’t make as much sense and seems counter culture to what we know today. That being said being at home, and being more traditional is on my heart. Doing more homemaking, knitting and such has been on my heart to do for years. I am also one of those people who learns things the hard way.

Sorry for Disappearing

Hey Everyone!

I don’t think I have talked about here on this blog, because this blog has been on the back burner for the past couple of years, but I have been dealing with an autoimmune disease for the past few years. This past year has really been the year that it has been discovered. While I still don’t have definitive answers and I’m still in the “undifferentiated connective tissue disease” stage because there are markers for more than one autoimmune disease but not enough for one or the other really to get a clear diagnosis, I have been able to start a course of treatment and it is helping. For the past two plus years, having the energy to do more than survive hasn’t been there. I have finally started having a bit more energy the past month or so and have started doing things again. I also changed positions at work. Working freight is physically demanding, but where I am at is at least only 8 hour shifts starting late afternoon and going into the wee small hours of the night, so I am still going to bed at night and just sleeping in until late morning. That is at least a slight improvement over Price File where I would have to be at work anywhere between 5 and 7 am. My days off have also changed. So, even though it’s hard work and I am exhausted and more than past my limit by my weekend, when I am on my weekend, I am at least more functional than I have been for the past couple of years. I also have time during the day between when I get up and have to go to work to knit a bit and drink tea which helps me get going during the day and ready for work.

All that out of the way, I am not grocery shopping so much at work anymore. Even with my 30% discount, where I work is still more expensive than your average overpriced grocery store (Safeway, Alberson’s, Fred Meyer / Kroger), so going grocery shopping at Fred Meyer and Safeway feels like a bargain.

My schedule was weird this past week, so I am off today, which I am normally not. I went grocery shopping today to prepare for my work week. I went to Fred Meyer.

In total at Fred Meyer, I spent $150.39. Had I not picked up more of my favorite shampoo, conditioner and dry shampoo, I would have been closer to $100

After I got home, I made myself a pastrami on rye sandwich with mayonnaise, deli mustard and the kind of cheese I can eat. It was very good.

Now that I have come out of being in strictly survival mode a little bit, the desire to be more of a homemaker and live in the country or a small town anyway with enough property to at least have a garden is returning. When all I was able to do was eat, sleep, work and go to the doctor, it was hard and there were no dreams there, and even the desire to cook and bake were gone. Now, I am more like “oooooooh, I want to make this that and the other thing”. Now that I want to make more things, I will be posting and sharing more things again.

Trader Joe’s

Hey Everyone!

Life has been constantly busy these past few months. Work keeps me busy, and then I am dealing with some health stuff on top of it all. I have had a lot of doctors appointments and other medical stuff to deal with since this past summer. It has taken a lot out of me.

Part of my treatment is to eat better and get more exercise. I have also started physical therapy, which will hopefully help. I need to work on losing weight and drinking more water.

Today, after my doctor’s appointment, I stopped at Trader Joe’s to pick up a few things. I bought some Pita chips to go with some of the Hummus we have in the house, as well as some beef jerky, banana chips, organic dried cranberries with no added sugar, some flavored almonds, a package of crumpets (because I had been craving them), and a package of whole wheat English muffins. I still have pecan pieces and Macadamia nuts at home for work snacks.

My entire Trader Joe’s haul only cost me $31.72. Had I bought all this at work, it would have been double what I spent today. I buy what I do at work, because work is convenient. I also like the produce and meat departments where I work. That being said, if I didn’t work where I do, I wouldn’t shop there much because of how expensive it is.

I realize that I do live somewhere, where we have several Trader Joe’s stores in the area, and the one I went to today was literally on my way home from my doctor’s appointment. There is another one slightly out of the way of coming home, but not enough that it would have used too much gas to stop there on my way home if the other wasn’t where it was. I also realize that I live in a part of the country where stores like Trader Joe’s, New Seasons, Market of Choice, and Whole Foods are plentiful.

This is one of the reasons I love this part of the country, which is the access to grocery stores we have. Even if I moved further away from the city, I would still be coming into the area for doctor’s appointments and to see my parents and sibling.

New Job Finds

Hey Everyone!

I started my new job two weeks ago. I work at a upscale grocery store now.

It is super interesting to see the different products we carry, as well as the variety of dairy free options my store carries.

I have found quite a few interesting things. Which prompted the “what I find at work” series on instagram.

The duck eggs are regularly $10.99 a dozen at my store, so definitely not something I will be purchasing much of in the future, as they are definitely not in the budget at that price. I was able to get them for reasonably cheap since I get a discount at my store and I had a $5.00 off reward coupon. I have heard that they are good in baking though.

The dairy free “cream cheese” has quickly become a favorite of mine with bagels. While I love it, it is rather expensive, even with my discount. Especially with fall and winter coming, I definitely see Scottish Oatmeal with dried fruit and chopped nuts on the breakfast menu going forward.

The dairy free version of the creamsicles, were actually a good price, they were only $2.99 a box. That I could afford for a treat in the heat we are having.

After punching the numbers and creating a budget. i am definitely going to be working towards paying off debt, saving money, trying to live simply, and working towards getting out of the city. Anyone who knows me could tell you I would rather be living simple life, somewhere far far far away from the city on a tight budget than have plenty of money and be living in the city. So for me, trying to get out if debt and not have to be reliant on my family as means of support is a huge thing for me.

Cod, it’s what’s for Dinner

Hey Everyone!

I had been craving fish for a few days, so I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work yesterday, and picked up some Cod, and the makings for a blueberry crumble.

I stopped by the meat counter at the grocery store, to see what they had in the way of Fish. Cod was a better price than Salmon, so I got some Cod.

I am a huge chicken and fish person, I definitely would love to live in SE Alaska, do more fishing, and eat more Fish.

For dinner I had cooked the cod I bought, as well as green beans and almonds, and some sourdough bread. It was so good, and filling.

I also made another blueberry crumble. This recipe alone, made purchasing the Salmon Sisters Cookbook worth it. I had also picked up some vanilla bean coconut milk ice cream to go with it. I had used a stick if the melt dairy free spread in place of butter in the crumble topping.

I made a “butter” garlic sauce for the cod. The recipe I had found did call for butter, but I used my dairy free spread in the place of butter to make it dairy free.

There was a time when I used to be able to eat dairy, though I have been dairy free long enough that it is second nature to me at this point. I have definitely learned tips and tricks to substitute dairy free options for the dairy that is called for.

I am definitely wanting to cook at home more, and not spend so much money on “restaurant food”. Between wanting to live in a small town or in the country (preferably in Alaska), making home cooked meals is definitely something I want to get better at. I also believe that cooking at home is more frugal, and cost effective.

I am definitely trying to live more frugally, and as much as possible, do Cash Only, especially for the day to day expenses.

What I have Learned about Modern Homesteading

Hey Everyone!

Over the years I had done things like going and doing U-Pick fruit and berries as well as picking berries from the backyard garden, as well as making jam and canning fruit.

The most consistent “homesteading” experience I had was two summers ago, when I was able to get eight batches of jam made from the raspberries I picked from the backyard.

The other day, I had gone for a walk a couple hours after breakfast, so I was able to sit a bit between breakfast and going for a walk. From about noon until a little after 7 o’clock pm, I had only sat down brief spurts to eat dinner while making jam. I had gone for a walk, picked raspberries once I got home, watered the raspberries once I picked the ripe ones, showered, put a load of laundry in the washer, started dinner, switched the laundry, started jam, continued eating dinner, finished up jam, got the laundry from the dryer, folded it, and by then it was 7 pm.

Then I got thinking about how much more work goes into having a farm / homestead this time of year. My walk would have likely been replaced by more gardening, cooking / making three meals a day, feeding animals, collecting eggs, casing after kids, trips into town, loads of laundry, and so much more. It is a busy life, and I do want that kind of life, to be busy providing healthy food for myself and my family. I want to spend more time outside, breathing, fresh country air, being tired at the end of the day from a good day’s work.

Hipster Fancy Pants Grocery Shopping

Hey Everyone!

This morning I went out in search of toilet paper, as we were down to our last package, and toilet paper is a prized commodity at the moment.

I ended up going to four stores, to find toilet paper, as well as other essentials that will last for a few weeks.

My last stop was at new seasons, which is local grocery store that carries healthier and more alternative (ie food intolerance friendly) and is definitely a hipster / fancy pants / organic / local products grocery stores.

I hadn’t been into a new seasons store for at least several months if not longer, and the last time I was in, they had more dairy free yogurt options than your average mainstream grocery stores, but not as many as they had today, I was amazed and happy. Being dairy free, finding dairy free yogurt that I like has been a challenge. I picked up several different brands, mostly vanilla, though one of the brands I am familiar with had black cherry, so I got two of those. I also got more ingredients for making smoothies.

While I am generally trying to abide by the stay at home order, I will go out if I actually need something from the grocery store. While I have yet to use gloves or a mask (though I did order one in case I do need it, especially if it means that I can go back go work sooner), I do try to get out early, and only get what I need, abide by the two meter rule, and get out.

This pandemic, has definitely shown me the need to get debt free, and have an emergency fund with at least 6 months worth of income saved, especially as I struggle with getting unemployment, like millions of other Americans.

Road to Getting Healthy; Week 1 update

Hey Everyone!

Now that I have decided that enough is enough, and that it is time to be focusing on living a healthier lifestyle, i have set my mind to it.

I have been taking my vitamins and probiotics on a daily basis. I have definitely noticed that i have had a bit kore energy this week.

I have also been doing my research into vitamins that ate made in the US, because one of the things i am really focusing on, especially when it comes to health / wellness / hygiene products is using / taking as many products that are made in the USA. I feel like they are a bit more reputable when they are made here, as well as the fact that i am then supporting my own country’s economy.

Since I started tracking what I am eating about a week ago, it has helped me curb eating put of boredom / to pass the time, because it makes me take a second thought about whether i am hungry at all or hungry enough to take the time to enter it into the app.

My goal with trying to eat healthier on the whole, is to lose a bit of weight, though nothing crazy, and have more energy, and be sick less often.

This week i did lose 2.8 pounds from what I weighed last week, and that is just from making some dietary changes. I didn’t really do much different in terms of exercise.

I am also hoping that with time and persistence, i can get out and do more hiking, which is something I enjoy.

Working towards Getting Healthy

Hey Everyone!

Through most of the season I had felt under the weather and had been sick a couple times. I have also been dealing with Bell’s Palsy since the end of September.

I was hoping once the season ended, I would really start feeling better, but I have still been more tired than I should be, and overall feeling unwell, as well as still dealing with Bell’s palsy, and a couple other issues, that I am trying to get resolved.

While, on a subconscious level, I knew that I wasn’t eating as well as I should be.

I have finally gotten to the point where I have had enough, and I am willing to do what it takes to get myself healthy again.

I am still dairy free, limiting my gluten (and breads in general), watching my sugar consumption, especially trying to limit anything with added sugar, and trying to get back to clean eating. I actually enjoyed clean eating, and I didn’t realize how much i enjoyed it, and how good it was for me until more recently when I have been feeling so unwell.

While i still am going to keep this mainly about Homemaking, trying to find and come up with healthy meal ideas that fit with the dietary guidelines I am trying to work within, and make it taste good, all falls under the homemaking umbrella. Don’t worry, this is not going to be turning into a weight-loss or fitness blog.

I still want to eventually live on some acreage, have a good size garden, and raise some of my own meat (at least most of what can’t be hunted or caught, that isn’t beef).

Along with needing to eat better, I am also needing to exercise more, and spending more tome outdoors to exercise. As much as I hate to admit it, this winter has been rough.

More to consider

Hey Everyone!

I have been considering ways to cut expenses, and what I can live without. I have also been greatly contemplating ways to work on saving money, and whether what I am spending money on will help me get to my end game, or hold me back a bit from it.

The life I am working toward and feel called to live is more one of simplicity, away from the city life, where I can raise a family of my own, as well as do more to live off the land, and be much less reliant on having to go to town and to the grocery store for food. I am also interested in cottage businesses, and being able to be sustainable from where I live, and that is more unconventional to how I was raised.

I realize that there are those who thrive in the city, and for whom the city is home, and can’t imagine having to grow and raise their own food. That’s fine, and I am not here to shame anyone for how they live their lives. I have just been disillusioned by living in the city and being dependent on grocery stores, when I can taste the difference between home grown / fresh from a local farm and home canned versus store bought. I also love doing it myself. I get a satisfaction at the end of a day from making homemade jam, or the end of a long day canning, or made a home cooked meal with fresh ingredients.

Now that I have far fewer hours at work, and also haven’t felt well for a while, I want to get to a place of better health, and working hard for the life that I know is right for me. I would much rather go to bed tired at the end of a long day knowing that the hard work I put in that day had a greater good than just earning a little money.

As far as cottage businesses go, the things that have been on my mind have been to sell some of the socks I make (that I don’t keep for myself), as well as handmade soap and candles. I definitely want to learn how to make handmade soap and handmade candles.

I also want to purchase American made when possible (like lodge cast iron skillets), when I need to purchase items.

I can live without having Smith Teamaker tea on a regular basis when Stash tea is plenty good enough, and a fraction of the price. I also don’t need to be shopping at work. I have spent more than enough money at work over the roughly 20 months I have been with the company.

Since the season ended, I am back off coffee. I have also made the decision to not drink alcohol any longer, as well as staying away from soda.

Giving up alcohol is not based on any moral sway, it is based on the fact of cost, and the fact that I am not really a fan of the flavor.